This kiosk named Mahiti Bandhu is a solar powered information system. It provides information about government schemes for education, Agriculture, Healthcare, Employment, etc. which are helpful to rural people.The entire content of the kiosk machine can be divided into four major parts which are described below for better understanding:

1. Home: This is the landing page of the kiosk machine and has various frequently asked questions about schemes and various topics.
On this page itself we have a button Browse government schemes which redirects us to categories section which is discussed below.

2. Categories:On this page you can see various categories like banking,education,agriculture etc for you to choose from based on your interest. Clicking one such category will redirect you to another page containing various government schemes related to that particular category. You can select any one of them and gain benefit from that.

3. About Us:On this oage you can see the team behind making of Mahiti Bandhu.

4. Help:The help section of our kiosk is designed to provide assistance and support to users. It is divided into multiple parts, each represented by a dropdown menu. These dropdown menus allow users to access various types of content, including text, videos etc. Each of these section contains information regarding various topics like how to use the kiosk device or how to appply for a particular government document. This is useful in case you want a clear understanding regarding things like linking PAN with adhaar, agriculture loan scheme etc.